Saturday, December 12, 2009

cucina mantovana!

   2nd stop, on our dukes of december trip. Anto and I charged it to mantova, lombardia from montecarlo in tuscany today, for a brief culinary excursion, before heading to Alba.  We checked into the hostel, then jetted up to see the palazzo tè.  After we cruised into a bar for a light apperitivo.  we tasted some ciccioli mantovani, which are little unctuous fried bits of pork goodness. They paired right gorgeously with a slightly chilled glass of local lambrusco mantovano. We had a reservation at trattoria due cavallini, for the famous tortelli di zucca, which in the mantova style, is always made with mostarda mantovana (pictured above) in the filling.  Then, a secondo of stracotto di cavallo con polenta (a sort of horse stew over polenta, pictured below). Whenever i see horse on a menu, I jump right at it. Afterwards we spotted a pasticceria right by the palazzo ducale. We indulged in some blazing local pastries like la sbrisolina and torta di tagliatelle. The last mission was to grab a jar of precious mostarda di mantova to go, usually pear or apple in a spicy mustard syrup but also comes in every fuckin' variety imaginable!  the dukes signing off...

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